Sunday 20 December 2015

Book Development

For this illustration I was inspired by EliOli and this picture:

I'm really pleased with how it's turned out! and I'm really enjoying myself! I feel like I'm going crazy with the colours but the comments I've received so far have been really positive, so I will keep doing what I'm doing. I did say I wanted to try working with a limited number of colours in this post (and other earlier posts too), but my brain just sees things in full colour and I just cannot help myself. I just hope that the colours would still look good when printed - I've never really been satisfied with my artwork once printed! I always keep a close eye on gamut warnings and things but they always end up not like how I want it. I'm very specific when it comes to my work - maybe I'm too specific?

This is how the illustration is going to sit on the page:

Just checked the blurb website again - there is a 20% discount til 5th Jan! I am determined to get this book finished before then so I can use it! yes!

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