Thursday 1 October 2015

Why Fairy Tale Adaptations Continue to Thrive

Myths and fairy tales often reveal deep truths about human nature, tapping into some of our darkest fears and deepest desires. But despite the universality of myths and fairy tales, it can be easy to feel distant from these stories --- we live in a world with different heroes, and even different rules, and so sometimes the old myths lose their impact. Storytelling has always been a way for humans to find ourselves in the tale of another, to recognize our flaws and values, and retelling myths and fairy tales with a contemporary lens is just another way to hold up the mirror.

It can be hard for a young man to connect with the beefy, bronzed heroes of old, but give him a charming boy with ADHD, an abusive stepfather and a host of contemporary concerns, and the myth suddenly takes on new meaning for a contemporary audience. A girl might not be able to identify with the beautiful, privileged princess of legend, but maybe she feels a connection with a smart, shy girl whose looks garner her unwanted attention.

Myth and fairy tale retellings tap into the same deep themes that the ancient storytellers expressed, but with a new twist. I’m a huge fan of these retellings, both as a writer and as a reader, and I hope that we keep exploring myth and magic in new ways.

Jen Mcconnel

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