Tuesday 28 April 2015

OUIL 501 Module Evaluation

Similar to the previous year, I found Context of Practice the hardest. From the beginning of this module I found it quite hard to decide what topic I wanted to focus on. I found that I am actually quite an undecided person as I kept changing my mind almost all the time when it came to Context of Practice. As working digitally is something that I have come to really love, I decided to go with the topic of Technology and how the development of it has changed Art. I thought that this would sustain my interest throughout the module, which I found it didn’t really.

Writing the essay I found quite enjoyable. Researching, reading into books and writing out a response was a task I found strangely gratifying. However, synthesising and linking theory into practice was a task I found a little more challenging. Maybe it was because of how broad of a topic my essay is, that made it harder for me to focus on an idea, or maybe it was because I started losing momentum, but overall I felt that it was a real challenge for me to decide on a specific idea. With all the things going on around me, I also found it really hard to concentrate on CoP and I feel that out of every one of the modules that I have undertaken so far since the beginning of my degree, my time management and organisation has been the poorest yet for this particular module and feel that could have given it a lot more effort.

I soon found out I was running out of time and decided to go with the simplest and probably most obvious idea, which may explain for the lack of development/ sketchbook work. I really did feel that I struggled so much throughout the practical side of the module and didn’t give myself a chance to really delve into the subject practically and explore other ideas that may have worked better. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t anxious about what I have done and produced for this. Firstly, I feel that maybe it isn’t as strong of a final product than what I could’ve produced if only I invested more time into the module. Secondly, it isn’t printed to the size that I wanted it to be, as I wasn’t aware that you couldn’t print double sided on an A1 in the digital print room and I didn’t have the time to rearrange them so that it would print like how I first intended. Thirdly, I just really feel that I have let myself down with the amount of work I have produced.

If I had the chance to revisit this module again, I would definitely pick a topic that really holds my interest, what I’m passionate and confident about. This way I think I would be way more invested in the work and I would enjoy it much more as well. This is something that I really need to focus on for Level 6, and hope that the mistakes I’ve in this module will be learnt and won’t be repeated. I can’t say that I’m proud of what I’ve achieved for CoP this year, only because I think I could’ve done better if only I stopped being so caught up in worrying and comparing myself to others and instead apply myself more into the module and be confident about it.

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