Friday 8 January 2016

Summative Statement

Girls are too often portrayed as damsels in distress, inactive until they are seen and saved by a male hero. Changes are needed in the way girls are perceived - how girls view themselves and how others see and value them, to create a better environment. Addressing the notions of masculinity and femininity to children early in life (before biased gender norms are internalized) can have a positive impact in our society. It is therefore important that we portray more self-assertive females in children’s books/tv/movies because the continued lack of recognition that females are individuals who should have the same rights and privileges as males is the key barrier that is preventing social reform. Addressing social norms and gender power structures could also be used to help break the cycle of Global Poverty – a real problem in most developing countries where the society is still patriarchal and inequality between male and female still exists.

As a response to my dissertation I have produced a short children’s picture book about Malala Yousafzai (Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest-ever Nobel Prize laureate) – icon for bravery, courage and hope and such an inspiration for all – what better way to teach kids of real bravery and courage by providing them with a real person as example? In addition to this Malala book, I have also proposed to make a series of books based on real stories of success and liberation about girls around the world. In short, my aim with the books is to further develop girls’ positive perceptions of themselves and shift how others see and value them. I believe that bringing more females of different cultures in books could help raise awareness of issues happening to girls around the world which I hope will encourage empathy to increase prosocial behaviours as well as reminding young girls that they too are capable of achieving great things.

Final Outcome

I am really pleased with what I've produced for this module! I think this is my best work to date! I actually feel that I have really pushed myself during the whole of this module (written and practical) because I think the topic is something that I'm really quite interested in and passionate about - I enjoyed it more as well - which is such an absolute contrast to previous CoP projects, where I just lacked enthusiasm. I still can't believe that I illustrated a whole book in just under a month! I have my classmates to thank for that - for believing in me! Also, I am so happy that I got to practice my background, colour and lighting skills - I think I've improved a lot! I must keep up this enthusiasm after graduation!

Book Development / Book Dummy

This is the first mock up that I made of my book for the practical crit before we broke up for the holidays. I've tried to keep it as real and true as possible by using Malala's autobiography (which I read beforehand) and photos of Pakistan found online (Pinterest Board here) to inspire me with my illustrations. Some of the sketches here didn't make it into the final book as I decided that some of them weren't really necessary. I also changed the format and size of the book to fit the required specifications for blurb printing. I think the only thing I'm pretty disappointed about is that I don't have very much (if any) experimental work - most of the time went into research for the story instead and the actual production of the book. I had to set an earlier deadline date for myself as well so that my book would be printed and arrive before the submission deadline. Because of the limited time scale to complete the project, I decided to use the media that I am most comfortable with, that I know will allow me to get the project done on time.

Final Crit - Peer Feedback

I'm really happy with the feedback I got today! First and foremost, I am glad that other people can easily grasp the link between my practical and written work - this was a problem I had with my previous CoP projects. I know for a fact that this module is not my strongest, but this year I really wanted to nail it and really do my best! I wanted to prove to myself that I can tackle this module called Context of Practice and produce something that I would be happy with. After the crit today I think it is quite safe to say that I've done so much better than last year and the year before, which I'm really pleased about! Working hard (almost throughout my winter break) has definitely payed off because I feel like (and feedback also suggest) that I don't have anything else that I need to do until submission next week! I think I am at the point where I can relax a little bit, and so I think I will. Just something to remember for next time.. I must try to use my sketchbook more in the future because I think that is what I'm lacking! (as usual).

Also, my actual physical book arrived today (but after the crit - so people didn't get to see it). I absolutely love it! The stock and printing makes it so much more professional! There are some things that are really bugging me - all my fault to be fair. Firstly, I didn't place my illustrations all the way to the bleed line so there are white lines on the bottom of each page in my book:

I'm really tempted to re-trim it myself, but I've decided to resist. I don't want to risk ruining it when the deadline is so close! Secondly, I am now regretting reusing the same Malala illustration in most of the pages in my book - I think if I did it once or twice, it would still be okay, but I reused it too often. Which makes it feel quite repetitive! No one in the crit commented on it though, so maybe it's not too bad and that I'm just being really critical of myself? The reason I did this was so that it would save me time and allow me to finish the book faster (since I set an earlier deadline for myself), but now I know that this is not such a good idea. I know for sure that if I were to get it published I would re-do some of them and diversify the facial expressions a bit more.

Overall though, I am really proud of myself and pleased with what I've produced! It's definitely a major step up from Level 4 and 5 so I'm very much satisfied.