Sunday 9 November 2014

Practical task 2 - Leeds City Museum

Identify unexpected/useful outcomes of (a) combining your drawings with other group members and (b) having a focused task to achieve in a short time
The museum group work allowed us to produce quite a large amount of work in a short amount of time due to focused task. We have also identified after gathering our drawings together and producing the collage from the trip, that there is a good mixture of drawing styles.

Comment on how task 2 led you to respond to the museum. If this was different to previous visits, how and why?
It was a lot more interactive because we had a task to fulfil. There was also an end product which motivated us to get stuff done and motivated each of us to do our part for the team. I think it was different to previous visits because we studied the pieces/objects more, looking at it more closely as we drew instead of just looking at it briefly and then walking away from it.

How could the practical aspect of CoP2 be extend to challenge your image-making further and enhance your essay line of enquiry?
  • investigating my subject in a different/more in depth way
  • Form my opinion more through drawing which will start to inform my essay
  • Visit more places to broaden my research
  • Continue to draw on location/from life
  • Take photographs
  • Watch documentaries/read books/articles into subject
  • Artist research - look at illustrations dealing with similar issues/themes that I'm looking at
  • Experiment with different medias, techniques and processes

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