Wednesday 20 November 2013

Semiotic Analysis

Semiotic analysis of Mary Blair's concept art for Cinderella (1980)

White Coach - the white can imply Cinderella's innocence and pure heart. The way its been drawn here gives it a sense of speed - fast, race with time.
Full moon - start of a new beginning. A sign of power - symbolises an end to her unpleasant life and the cycle to begin a new life, a better life.
Blue sky - symbolises hope, tranquility and calmness - Castle on this side makes it a desirable place - Coach moving towards it suggest escaping the darkness towards 'hope' of new life - escapism, vision of a better life (that she'll end up having with the prince)
Dark sky - symbolises evil, darkness, something unpleasant. Vigorous harsh strokes of brush creates an angry, stormy, violent atmosphere - uneasy. Darkness taking over the lightness of the blue is a reminder  that time is chasing her or that she is running out of time - spell breaking, back to rags and old life - hope and calmness gone.
Winding road - suggests the many obstacles and setbacks toward achieving her freedom/better life - unexpected difficulties (her step-family)

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